At Leggari Products we use both Denatured and Isopropyl Alcohol to apply our metallic epoxy systems. Both products are used for different purposes so you will want to make sure that you do not mix them up when applying.
Denatured Alcohol:
We use denatured alcohol to dissipate bubbles during the application and to clean surfaces or non-disposable tools that we use for the application. While our epoxy is formulated to minimize the production of bubbles that occur in the finish, they may still occur due to outgassing caused by porous substrates such as concrete, wood, raw stone, etc... To mitigate this during the application you can spray denatured alcohol out at a fine mist whenever you see any bubbles in the section you are currently in. (DO THIS NO LATER THAN 20 MINUTES AFTER APPLICATION OR THE EPOXY MAY NOT BE TOO SET UP TO LEVEL OUT PROPERLY.)
We use isopropyl alcohol as both an additive for the Leggari Stain used in our concrete overlay systems and to do the dispersing/cell effect for our metallic epoxy systems. Please refer to your product label(s) for the amounts to use in the Leggari Stain and watch the tutorial videos that come with your kit to see how it's mixed and applied.
For the dispersing effect, we use 91% Isopropyl Alcohol. You can use this either clear or pigmented. If you would like to use a pigmented dispersing effect, the ratio is 3 Tsp of Leggari Metallics to 15 oz of isopropyl alcohol.
You can do this effect at a fine mist or in drips for a more dramatic effect. (DO THIS NO LATER THAN 20 MINUTES AFTER APPLICATION OF THE EPOXY MAY NOT BE TOO SET UP TO LEVEL OUT PROPERLY.)
If you are unable to acquire either of these products you may use Acetone as a substitute for the Denatured Alcohol and 190 Proof Ever Clear as a substitute for the Isopropyl Alcohol.
Please feel free to contact Customer Service with any additional questions at
1-844-LEGGARI (1-844-534-4274) or
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